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It’s a story FOX10 News has been following for several months now.Mobile City Council Member Bess Rich said, „We’ll be taking hand prints for the tile wall that actually was started in the first park in 1996, and I know there are parents out there that have their ‚hands‘ on the wall.“The new playground will be called the Playground Express, like the old one.But this one will have rubberized surfaces, sun shades, sidewalks, and benches.Rich said it will also have a transportation theme and is especially designed for our community.She said, „It’s going to have a look that people will recognize. The points of climbing apparatus will look like the RSA Tower and the Riverview (Plaza Hotel), so that kids will say, ‚That’s my city, that’s my town.‘ „Mobile County Commissioner Connie Hudson said, „The Playground Express that the community came together to help build was just tremendously utilized and just basically wore out, but this type of equipment that’s being installed here has a much longer life.“The fundraiser takes place Saturday at the Connie Hudson Senior Center at 3201 Hillcrest Road from 9 am until Noon.City officials say there’s a suggested $15 donation per tile.The new playground is expected to open in the late spring.All content 2017, WALA; Mobile, AL. (A Meredith Corporation Station).Flags For Vets honors veterans in a special wayFlags For Vets honors veterans in a special wayUpdated: Wednesday, March 15 2017 2:31 PM EDT2017 03 15 18:31:10 GMTFlags For Veterans honors our nation’s veterans by installing lighted flag poles in their yards, free of charge.Flags For Veterans honors our nation’s veterans by installing lighted flag poles in their yards, free of charge.Fleur de Litter promotes environmentFleur de Litter promotes environmentUpdated: Tuesday, March 14 2017 6:40 PM EDT2017 03 14 22:40:03 GMTIt makes pedestrians stop and look and read.It makes pedestrians stop and look and read.Video shows fight before shootout at Pump It UpVideo shows fight before shootout at Pump It UpUpdated: Tuesday, March 14 2017 8:34 AM EDT2017 03 14 12:34:11 GMTSurveillance video from the Pet Supplies Plus store captured the altercation.
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